miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


After watching the video about Hamsa (www.hamsathedocumentary.com), one woman’s story that inspired a global movement in Germany, we would like to work on something special for the PBL in English. After this video, we were really inspired and we decided to make something like a documentary. 

We want to do like an interview asking the people in the streets of Madrid questions about the refugees and we are going to study the answers. We are going to create also a survey and send it to all the students of our high school.

With the answers, we are going to make like a reading circle studying the answers by making diagrams, talking about the percentages… etc.

This Saturday we will start doing the interview in Madrid and, once we send the survey and finish the interviews, we want to create the documentary with “movie maker”, adding some information and videos.

I can add that my role on this group is to be the communication manager, this means that I have to take group notes and pictures and upload them for the PBL blog every two sessions. 

I hope my group will present a great job!

by Sara Lerma (4ºA) 

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